So I started this little catering company in 2005 and it was centered around cupcakes only, under the name Krista's Kupcakery. Then after 3 years of catering for movie stars, musicians, well known hairdressers and lots of word of mouth customers, I was commissioned by Chanel to make cookies to help usher in their new perfume for that season. It opened the door for other desserts and voila, came to fruition. Anything and everything.... If you need something, I bake it. My specialty is to make it as personal as I can, complimenting any occasion. I love coming along side you and creating something that will excite you and your guest.

Come visit from the heart Bakeshop

4328 South St. Lakewood,Ca


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Pink Panther Cake

Lavender Rustic Wedding Theme

Stargazing Wedding Cake

The Bride of this cake came in 2 weeks before her wedding date, just a lil' stressed. Some thing happened with her original bakery and the cake was canceled. Either way she was the sweetest gal. She was overwhelmed with details and she showed us the picture of her cake and voila' we made it for her on her special day

50th Birthday Banner Cake

A Banner Beauty made of rice paper penants.

Ombre' Green Cake for Cal Poly Graduates

Graduation Cake

18th Birthday Hawaiian Style

This was Italian Buttercream, which is just my absolute favorite
 and  I do for only special occasions, this one being for one of my favorite neices,
Ellie! Love her!

Dr Seuss Thing 1 and Thing 2

We copied the invitation, the bottom of this cake had ric and rac, but you can't see it :(
I think I need to take a class in photography.

75th Birthday Cake Vintage Beauty

This was a 10 inch round, with an Vintage Brooch as part of the decoration.
This picture was taken from our freezer, so I can't say it gives it justice :( 

Scooby Doo Cake

Angry Bird Cakes

These are two different cakes. One was a 12 in round and the other was a 1/4 sheet
game cake, It was an actual game topper, so when the little birthday boy was done with the cake, he had a game to play with.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Peace Cake

For Ava's Birthday.
Peace. Love. Ava.

Rosette Cake

This was a Margarita Cake inside.
Ariva Ariva!

Baby Rock and Roll Cake

A 10inch and 8 inch cake.

Tinkerbell Cake

Ombre' Graduation Cake

This is my most Fravorite Cake. This was just
sooo cool to make.

George's 80th Birthday By The Sea

Pink Panther Cake

Our Lovely Macarons!


When this was made, all you can hear throughout
It was one of those long days of delirium.

Cupcake Cake

Well hello Cupcake. This is a biggin'.
Not small, probably fed 20 people.
Sooo Sweet!

Oreo Cake

 Here it is without the banner.
Here it is with the banner.
I could eat this for breakfast. :-/

British Petroleom Cookies

This was fun and exciting. To be part of
endorsing a Huge company like that.
Have printer will frost :)

The Beginings of a Mario Brother Cake

This is missing the Mario Brother. But will post when I get more
pics of thetable display

Communion and Baptism Cakes

 Baptism Celebration Cake.
Holy Communion Cake. It's a Rosary!

Kai's Surf Party

They wanted Surfboards and Hibiscus. SO they got them :)

 The 1 year olds SMASH Cake!

More Celebration Cakes

This Hibiscus cake actually is a 12 inch Celebration cake, so it
actually quite large, not our typical 6 inch Celebration Cake.

Her are two that we have used our Frosting Sheet Printer.
Love that printer