So I started this little catering company in 2005 and it was centered around cupcakes only, under the name Krista's Kupcakery. Then after 3 years of catering for movie stars, musicians, well known hairdressers and lots of word of mouth customers, I was commissioned by Chanel to make cookies to help usher in their new perfume for that season. It opened the door for other desserts and voila, came to fruition. Anything and everything.... If you need something, I bake it. My specialty is to make it as personal as I can, complimenting any occasion. I love coming along side you and creating something that will excite you and your guest.

Come visit from the heart Bakeshop

4328 South St. Lakewood,Ca


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Cake Camp

So Ninna a friend of Teena and mine, who taught us how to make that crazy
Whimsical cake in one of my pages,
Super talented gal, asked me if I would like to take some baking classes
with Famous Bakers...I was like
Heck to the YA!!!!
So our venture started on Thursday and Teena kept the fort down filling my orders....
LOVE THAT TEENA....Oh and yes I did received a text from her on early Saturday
morning with a picture of one of my cakes Seaping....
Oh Lord wanted to die, since I was out of state..but that Doll fix it...YAYYYYY!

Here I am in class, Ninna snuck in and took this picture, she's so cute.Ninna that is.
I'm laughing at Ninna because the girl in front of her was standing and I thought to myself...
"girl you better sit down, we payed to see the teacher, not your behind," but she was in Ninna's way not it was funny, probably not to Ninna, but me?? Funny
So here is the cake I did under the teachings of
The Sweet Southern Ladies from TLC
Thee Greatest Gals Ever..Seriously
so down to earth and Hillarious
Painting on Cakes with Zane Beg,
Freakin amazing have no idea...
His talent and teachings where impecable
This is from my gumpaste class that Ninna and I took together...
It was under the teachings of
Anna Weisman
By the way, Ninna's looked better : ) Just Sayin'

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Snickers Cupcake

One word....WHY???
Oh, these are SOOOO wrong.

GAME TRUCK Birthday party

This was for a party with "Game Truck". It's where a huge green truck pulls
up to your party and the kids go inside and overdose on video games...
a 9 year olds dream...Happy Birthday Caden.