So I started this little catering company in 2005 and it was centered around cupcakes only, under the name Krista's Kupcakery. Then after 3 years of catering for movie stars, musicians, well known hairdressers and lots of word of mouth customers, I was commissioned by Chanel to make cookies to help usher in their new perfume for that season. It opened the door for other desserts and voila, came to fruition. Anything and everything.... If you need something, I bake it. My specialty is to make it as personal as I can, complimenting any occasion. I love coming along side you and creating something that will excite you and your guest.

Come visit from the heart Bakeshop

4328 South St. Lakewood,Ca


Thursday, September 29, 2011

Mason Jar Pies at SUG.AR from the heart

this is our
"Pie for two, just me and you"

Orders of SUG.AR from the heart. Daisy Shower

Daisy Love.

We Have a SHOP!!!!! Welcoming ' from the Heart'

Yes we do. Teena and I ( with the help of another gal ) decided to buy a shop in
4328 South St.
to be exact.
Here is Julio painting our walls a celery color. Then he thought I was crazy to want him to paint the floors, not celery, but painted. He resisted, but my brother Matt encouraged. And VOILA'
I have painted floors, YAYYYY!
Our first casualty. But it didnt stop us. We got a good laugh, althougth I look like Im gonna die.
Teena loves taking those candid shots...WHYYYYY

Here we are making French Macarons. We have this crazy fan and allit
does is make our hair look CRAZY. But if you know me, you know that my hair is
Crazy, but this fan does things no crazy hair can handle. But Teena prevails captivating
pictures that are less than lovely of me. Just kidding. It's all me, but I would like to blame on camera.